Parking Lot Painting Palooza – August 7th
August 7, 2021 @ 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Comets Booster is proud to present our first High School Social Event of the year. Student drivers we want you to join us Saturday, August 7th to paint your very own parking spot! August 21 is our rain makeup day.
The event costs $30 and includes a snack and beverage.
You are responsible for all your own paint and tools. Paint must be latex-based and approved by staff prior to being used on the lot. Paint may come from left-overs at your own house or any home improvement store. It is highly recommended that you purchase exterior paint so that it has maximum adhesion.
You are encouraged to wear work gloves, appropriate clothes, and bring money for additional concessions.
Complete the following before 7/31 (all located at www.cometsbooster.org):
- Student Driving Parking Info Form (submit to Mr. Nordmann)
- Comets Booster Social Events Permission Form (submit to Ms. Skon)
- Parking Lot Painting Palooza Form (submit to Ms. Skon)
- Pay online at cometsbooster.org or cash/check (made out to Comets Booster)
- Submit a full color sketch of your proposed design. All school-friendly designs will be approved. Google “parking lot painting” for ideas! (submit to Ms. Skon)
When you arrive for the event, please park in the front lot, and walk to the student lot. If you are being dropped off, please have your ride pull up in the parent pick up lane and walk to the back door of the school. Your ride should return to the parent pick up lane to wait for you at the end of their session.
Please fill out all three forms.
$30.00Add to cart