Article I – Name

The name of the organization shall be the Comets Booster Corporation (Comets Booster).

Article II – Mission Statement

The mission of the Comets Booster is to create opportunities to enrich the middle and high school experience socially, academically and physically.

Article III – Scope

Comets Booster is a non-profit parent teacher organization whose membership includes all parents, legal guardians and staff at Kaleidoscope Middle and High School. Comets Booster helps to provide a positive environment for students and teachers, assistance to teachers in a school setting, raises funds for supplemental educational materials, activities and experiences, supports school and family social interaction, and provides a non-biased forum for sharing information on issues that impact our children.

Article IV – Policies

Section 1.       

Comets Booster shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian, non-partisan and non-political, and will not endorse a commercial enterprise or candidate.

Section 2. 

Comets Booster will seek neither to direct the administrative activities of the school, nor to control its policies.

Section 3.    

Comets Booster may cooperate with all other organizations within Intermediate School District 4118 with similar interests.

Section 4.

Comets Booster funds will not be used for any items, programs or events that do not directly benefit the students at Kaleidoscope Middle and High School.

Article V – Membership and Voting Eligibility

Section 1.   

All parents or guardians of children enrolled at Kaleidoscope Middle and High School, as well as staff, shall be voting members of Comets Booster.

Section 2.         

A quorum of the membership shall consist of those members present at any regular or special membership meeting of this organization.

Section 3.     

Members shall be notified of upcoming meetings via the Comet Booster website or via email notification.

Article VI. – Election of Officers

Section 1.    

The annual election of officers for the school year shall take place during the August General Comets Booster Meeting, and will be run by the Election Committee.  Each member of the organization is entitled to one vote in the election.

Section 2.  

No officer shall hold more than one board position at a time, and no officer shall serve for more than two consecutive terms unless a replacement cannot be found.  An officer may continue in their position for one year after their term expires, if a replacement cannot be found.

Section 3.      

The Election Committee shall consist of two members of the Comets Booster Executive Committee and two members of the Comets Booster at Large.

  1. The Election Committee duties include: notifying the

membership of the upcoming election, identifying candidates through

written nominations, and counting the ballots cast for each


  1. An election ballot will be developed to include nominations for each

board position.  Nominees will be notified and may decline his/her

nomination and will be removed from the ballot.

  1. Comets Booster members will be notified via website or email of the

election at least seven (7) days prior to the voting.

  1. A special meeting will be held in advance of each election to allow for

the 7 day period prior to an election.  Notice of this meeting will be

sent with a minimum of 2 days’ notice via email/website.

Section 4.       

The elections will be held at the August General Comets Booster Meeting.

  1. Voting shall be done by a secret ballot.
  2. A nomination during the meeting may be made from the floor and added to the ballot.
  3. A person receiving the majority of the votes for each position will become the year’s officer.
  4. In case of a tie, quorum will re-vote.If there is no winner, the Comets Booster Executive Committee will decide the winner.

Section 5.

An officer’s service date corresponds directly with the school year.  A term is defined as one school year.

Section 6. 

If a vacancy occurs in an executive office, the Executive Committee shall fill it until the end of the school year or until a replacement is elected.

Section 7.   

A meeting including outgoing and incoming officers shall take place within thirty (30) days following the election, at which time all information records and data must be transferred to the incoming Executive Committee.

Section 8.      

Routinely, no office shall be held for more than two consecutive terms unless a replacement cannot be found.  It is suggested that all executive members not vacate their positions at the same time.

Article VII – Executive Committee and Comets Booster Committee Chairs

Section 1.  

Comets Booster Executive Committee shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and a Public Relations Officer

Section 2.     

Duties of the President/Vice-President

  1. Develops agendas for the General Comets Booster and Executive Board Meetings
  2. Presides over General and Executive Board Meetings
  3. Coordinates the officers and the committees to facilitate educational and extra-curricular activities.
  4. Cooperates with the Director to maintain a supportive relationship between the school and Comets Booster.
  5. Appoints special committees when needed.

Section 3.  

Public Relations:

  1. Maintains Comets Booster website, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook
  2. Coordinates newsletter as needed for communication

Section 4.  

Duties of the Secretary:

  1. Keeps a written record of attendance and minutes of all meetings of Comets Booster and executive meetings.
  2. Ensures motion is raised and seconded before information is written in the minutes.
  3. Will submit a copy of the minutes to all officers and committee chairs Within one week (7 days) following the meeting an post them on the Website.
  4. In the case of Secretary’s absence from any meeting, an Executive Committee member will take the minutes.

Section 5.          

Duties of the Treasurer:

  1. Keep records, receipts and disbursements of monies
  2. Coordinates will all Committees to make deposits, withdraw cash for events and pay bills and reimbursements as needed.
  3. Maintains all financial records, prepares financial reports on a monthly basis with a final financial report at the close of the school year, and makes financial reports available to Comets Booster members.
  4. Assists Committees with budget reports as needed.
  5. Shall comply with all applicable regulations, laws and procedures to maintain exempt status for organization.
  6. Shall be responsible for coordination with any outside accountant, auditor or governmental entity for any audit or review.

Article VIII – Committee Creation

  1. Committees may be created as deemed necessary by Comets Booster.
  2. Committee Chairs will keep a book or file detailing procedures, activities, responsibilities and expenses.\
  3. Committee meetings shall be called by the Committee Chair and shall meet as often as is necessary to carry out their functions. Committee Chair shall keep the Executive Committee updated with periodic status reports.
  4. Coordinates all financial activity with Treasurer after each fundraising Event.

Article IX – Financial and Contracts

Section 1.      

The Executive Committee shall present to the membership at the first General Comets Booster Meeting of the school year a budget of anticipated revenue and expenses for the year.  The budget shall be used to guide the activities of Comets Booster during that year.  Any substantial deviation from the budget must be approved in advance by the membership.

Section 2.

Special monetary requests for non-budgeted items must be submitted to the Comets Booster Board for discussion at the General Comets Booster Meeting.  Vote for approval of the request will be made at the following General Comets Booster Meeting.

Section 3. 

If a specific long-term goal has been approved, additional funds may be carried over to the next school year.

Section 4.       

Non-administrative expenditures over $500 shall be authorized by a majority vote of voting members present at a general or special Comets Booster meeting.  Expenditures under $500, emergency expenditures, or expenditures involving legal or attorney matters concerning the organization shall be at the discretion of the Executive Committee. Administrative expenditures shall be at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

Section 5.    

The budget will be set at a special meeting prior to the last meeting of the school year.

Article X – Conflicts of Interest

Section 1. 

If an Executive Committee or member of the organization has a financial interest conflicting with the interest of the organization, the individual must bring the potential conflict to the attention of the other Executive Committee members and refrain from deliberating or voting on any decision with respect to the matter.

Section 2.  

No Kaleidoscope parent or Executive Committee member shall make personal profit from any fundraiser for Comets Booster, or receive special treatment from Kaleidoscope or Independent School District 4118.

Section 3.

No members of non-profit organizations, other than Comets Booster, may be represented at a Comets Booster meeting. Meetings need to remain on agenda and pertinent to Comets Booster activities and priorities.

Article XI – Monies Collected

Section 1.

Monies generated specifically by a department or team will go directly to that department or team, less 10%, which will go directly to the Comets Booster.

Section 2. 

Monies generated for the benefit of Comets Booster will be put to use for approved expenditures.

Section 3.  

100% of monies generated for field trips will go towards the specific field trip.

Article XII -Amendments

The bylaws may be amended or changed by a vote of the majority present at any General Comet Booster Meeting.  The amendment must be submitted in writing to the general membership prior to the vote at the previous general meeting.